Legal matters
Legal status of Padakshep in the USA
Padakshep is a public charity registered under 501 (C)(3) of the US internal revenue code which provides tax exemption within the USA. Padakshep is registered in the state of Utah. However, all correspondences should be mailed to its working address in Boston, Massachusetts. Know more about how donors of Padakshep can avail of tax benefits from our website. Additionally, our website also displays our current working guideline in the form of Bylaws. All volunteers should be aware of these and failing to comply with these may lead to expulsion from Padakshep. Additionally, Padakshep will not be responsible for any liabilities that may be caused by the actions of its volunteers.
Legal status of Padakshep-UK in the UK
Padakshep-UK was established in order to raise funds and organize volunteers from the United Kingdom and other European countries. While it raised lot of funds and supported several students, it is now in a dormant stage due to the lack of volunteers. If you are in the UK please contact us so we can re-energize this branch.
Legal status of Students' Padakshep in India
Students' Padakshep (informally known as Padakshep-India) is newly registered as a society in the state of West Bengal, India under the society registration act. Currently, we are in the process of arranging our bank accounts which will enable us to collect donations. Until then, please bear with us. We will continue to update and post more information on Students' Padakshep website.